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Re: hosts.deny

On Mon, Dec 08, 1997 at 11:04:07PM -0600, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
> Hi-
> I would like to configure my Debian box to accept telnet, ftp, and www
> connections.  Right know I have my hosts.allow as ALL:ALL but I would like
> limit the connections to only those with my schools connections and my
> local LAN's machines.
> i.e.	just allowing *.unt.edu and *.dimension.org
First you must check your configuration of inetd.conf in your etc dir
The line which specified ie telnet daemon must look like this :
telnet	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/tcpd	/usr/sbin/in.telnetd
Command /usr/sbin/tcpd means that before establishing connection for telnet deamon (in.telnetd)
must pass rules of host.allow and host.deny
After that your configuration of hosts files should by something like this :
hosts.deny :
in.telnetd:	ALL
#this disable absolutely all connection for telnet but allow :
hosts.allow :
in.telnetd:	.unt.edu
in.telnetd:	.dimension.org

Rules for passing hosts config diles are :
1)  If acces is allowed in host.allow - the request is enabled
2)  If no, then host.deny is scanned for apropriate rule - if it's found - the request is disabled
3)  If the apropriate rule hasn't been founded - the request is enabled

Uh, it might be all
				hi  Marty

> What should my hosts.allow and hosts.deny files look like?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Ian
> p.s. reply to my iks0001@jove.acs.unt.edu and the list as I haven't
> changed my address on the list yet! ;)
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