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Re: Partitioning (fwd)

Hello Andrew, there are a few things you need to do first with your drive
before you can move your linux onto it.  You have to partition it forst,
you said you want two plus swap.  What are they / and /usr  if I may ask?
If this drive is going to be home to any servers run on it you may want to
add a third partition /var.  If instead you are going to need space for
space for user accounts you may want the third partition to be /home or
something to that effect.  The way you want it is not very good for the
OS.  Having logging and user accounts in / is very dangerous because if /
fills up you won't be able to use it.  May I make a suggestion on how to
partition your hard drive.

/dev/hdb1     50megs	/
/dev/hdb2     50megs    swap
/dev/hdb3   1000megs    /usr
/dev/hdb4    100megs    /var

This is one senerio to look at. your logging is in a different partition
and / is not effected by what /var does.  The other thing you could do in
this situation is make a symlink from /home (where user accounts are
stored) to something like /usr/friends/.  This way user accounts are
stored on /usr partition and root won't fill up so easily.  Another
alternative is the following.

/dev/hdb1     50megs    /
/dev/hdb2     50megs    swap
/dev/hdb3    800megs    /usr
/dev/hdb4    300megs    /home

This senario you have your user accounts on a different partition and your
/var is off / so your logging is in /.  I don't like this way because you
have to consider how much space to give users and the only way to give it
is from your user partition.  The first example I think is the best.
because your logging and user accounts are not in / and you use as much or
as little of /usr.

After you decide on how you want to partition your hard drive it, you have
to make a file system.  After you do those two things you have to mount
the new partitions and maybe edit your fstab in /etc.  Once you do those
three things you should be rackin' and rollin'.  I hope it works for you.

I hope this helps you.


On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Andrew wrote:

> Owing to the fulness of my Linux partition, I have bought a 1.2 Gb
> harddrive. I'm intending on transfering Linux to this, leaving win95 to
> fester on my old 800 Mb one. I think I'll want two partitions besides swap
> for robustness and performance, but how do I divide the filesystem up?
> Can I just copy everything directly across and point LILO at
> the new hard drive, or are there other issues at stake here? The new
> harddrive is slaved to the old one, but LILO resides in the MBR of the
> primary, right? 
> Andrew Tarr
> (to reply, put a "60" between "ajt" and "@" so the address reads 
> "ajt60@csc.yadda.yadda.yadda". I could claim this is antispam, but it isn't 
> - my email stuff is just broken)
> "Would an Orange by any other name be the 
> same colour?" 
> --
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