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Re: PnP modem woes continue, IRQ never fires for modem

On Tue, Dec 02, 1997 at 08:43:17PM -0600, Charles Read wrote:
> BTW, how do you talk to a modem from DOS?
> I want to try what Nathan suggested and see
> if the modem is a 'WinModem'.  How else
> could you tell if not from DOS?

Another test-- can you use the modem with one of Windows'
"Standard 28800 modem" type drivers, or do you have
to use on specifically for your modem?

AFAIK WinModem is a USR idea, while your modem is Lucent
based, ie K56Flex (USR is x2). So I think it's unlikely
to be the problem.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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