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taper question

Hi all,

I have managed to install my tape drive ( Seagate travan 3200 on a floppy
controller ) and to have it work under Debian . I even managed to figure
out how to make the modules detect the new floppy controller ( not easy in
my case :-) ) . As far as I can see only taper exists for user friemdly
backup setup ( I need something user friendly at first ) . Is there
anything else ? Is taper stable and trustworthy ( always relatively ) ? 
Is there a way to use taper to have backups through cron ( incremental
as well as total)  ? Is there
another more straightforward way to pick directories, put them on tape and
then pick them out from the tape ? I guess tar could do that but is there
some documentation ? Taper can't start a backup child process when a user
is using it , only root manages that. However the user belongs to the
group disk which has the same permissions as the root for all the
/dev/*ft* devices and the taper program. What is problem ? Do i need to
give the user of the group permissions for some other files ? I know these
are alot  of questions but if somebody could sort of answer any of them it
would be really helpful. Thanks in advance and sorry for the bother.


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS    E-Mail: GK205@cus.cam.ac.uk
U.K.                  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html

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