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RE: free backup tailored for removable disks

Hi Carl

>So:  are there any free (or cheap) backup programs for Linux, which by
>design support multivolume archives?  
>(I kinda miss DOS.  PKZip 2 would be perfect for my job, but
>unfortunately the InfoZip ZIP doesn't natively handle multivolume
You should consider RAR.  It is avaliable for Linux, supports
multi-volumes even better than zip (much like arj featurwise) and has
in general better compression that zip to boot...

Not sure where to find it, last time I just did a web search for rar
home page or something similar..

>Carl Fink              carlf@dm.net
>"With some technology, you get the feeling that the designers weren't
>considering ease of use.  With ISDN, you get the feeling that the
>hate your friggin' guts."       -Scott Adams

E-Mail: Neilen Marais <brick@cryogen.com>
Date: 30-Nov-97
Time: 16:03:29

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