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I must have missed the partition mount step...


This morning was my first attempt to install Debian Linux (1.3). It went 
pretty smoothly (I was impressed) except for 2 items I need to ask 

1. I seem to have missed the selection step that allows me to determine 
which of my partitions I want to mount where (eg /usr, /usr/src, /home, 
/usr/local, etc). I successfully partitioned them with cfdisk (nice 
improvement over fdisk!), but the install must have skipped right over 
that selection stage. So it's put into my 30Mb root partition the BASE 
modules, and written stuff to /usr, /home. Can I recover easily from 
this with some fstab munging, or is there a utility that will let me do 
this sanely, or do I have to start over?

2. The set of packages is bewildering. I was installing from floppies, 
due to a malfunction with my (Sony CDU-311) cdrom drive. The base 
install was pretty manageable, but I can quickly see that it's 
unadvisable to continue without a working CDROM (or net connection). Red 
Hat and Debian both had problems with my CDROM (though DOS 6.22 did not, 
at first; now it does... argh). However, where is the documentation 
recommending which packages to install in what order? Minimum set 
required for email, PPP, httpd?

Thank you in advance.

-- Sam Hahn

PS. dselect is pretty cool. Where's the FAQ regarding its pros / cons 
vis-a-vis RedHat Package Manager? Does Slackware have an equivalent? Is 
it dangerous to install some using RPM and some using Debian? I 
would assume so...

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