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Re: REDHAT 4.1 && SONY CDU-33A

Michael S. Howard wrote:

> I just got another Puter, a 486 66MHz && 16MB RAM the works
> just fine with good old Slackware 3.0 (yes it's old). Anyway,
> I am trying to install REDHAT 4.1 and it cannot autoprobe the
> SONY CDU-33A 2x CDROM (it was found under Slackware 3.0)
> Does anyone know the option that I need to supply to get the
> REDHAT modules to load?
> -MikeH
> m.s.howard@popmail.csuohio.edu
> --
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 Aww C'mon guys.. that's no way to treat a Linux user.

I'll give it a go..

When I had a Sony cdu31a a long time back I had to use :

I put that on the lilo boot line, and appended it to the options later on
when I compiled cdu31a support as a module.

It seems that the SONY line of CDROM drives are prorietary and so they can
only use a polling method to access the card and not direct DMA so that's
why the ,0 in the option line.  Anyways... replace the 0x320 above with
your address and give it a go...  As I had a cdu31a it may be different,
but chances are, if your CDROM hooks into a proprietary controller (and not
to an IDE controller card for instance), this could be the answer for

A lot of help can be found in the CDROM HOW-TO as well, including some
advice on misbehaving CDU drives.

Good luck.

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