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Re: RAS from Linux?

Jones, David A (CAP, ITS, US) wrote:
> Hi everyone-
> Here is a quick question:
> Does anyone know how to get a Linux box to log-in and authenticate to a
> NT RAS (remote access server). We have the platform at work but I don't
> want to use win95 to log in, I want to stay with Linux. Also, has anyone
> heard about the M$ Unix client for exchange? That is the global e-mail
> package G.E. uses. I heard M$ was planning on unix clients, so I would
> think Linux would be supported...

Generally speaking, the only snag using pppd to connect to an NT
RAS server is authentication. NT by default wants to use MS-CHAP
(not to be confused with regular CHAP, with which MS-CHAP is 
incompatible). The solution would be to get the latest pppd which
I hear has MS-CHAP support or to get into the registry and delete
a few things to disable MS-CHAP (no, unsetting the checkboxes which
require encrypted passwords won't do it, if you don't believe me
do a search on the M$ knowledge base). The former would of course
be preferable except for the fact that the new pppd is only available
for hamm. If you must do the later, and your local NT fascist will
allow you to make this change, I can give you more detailed 

Jens B. Jorgensen

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