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identd logging?


Something caught my eye tonite.. well, actually, the lack of something.
Where does identd log stuff to? According to the source, it uses
LOG_DAEMON, but I can't seem to find it in there. 

daemon.* is logged to /var/log/daemon according to my syslog.conf. I'm
inclined to believe it seeing as a lot of other stuff dumps crap in there.

But wait.. I know what you're thinking. "Does this schmuck have identd
installed/running/working?" You betchya.

apathy# telnet localhost 113
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
1459 , 113
1459 , 113 : USERID : UNIX : root
Connection closed by foreign host.

ident           stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/identd identd -i

So it's most definitely there, running, working, it just aint logging.
tcpd and tcplogd are both logging fine and dandy: 

Nov 25 01:29:23 apathy in.telnetd[1324]: connect from localhost
Nov 25 01:29:23 apathy tcplogd: telnet connection attempt from localhost

So.. any clues as to why it's not logging? is it a bug? is it a feature?
or is it just my stupidity, combined with raging insomnia?

[Sorry, it's late.. I get a bit kooky at times like this]


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