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Please help with installation diskettes!!!

I decided to install Linux and chose Debian. I read everything I 
could about Linux and tried to install Debian.
When I used the rawrite2 command when it finishes it writes:
Bad sector detected
When I run scandisk it doesn't find anything wrong with my diskettes.
Can it be that all of my diskettes are bad?
I use 5.25'' 1.2MB diskettes. An interesting fact is that the size of 
the files is 1,228,800 and the disks have only 1,213,952 
The only file that it can write to the floppy disk is root.bin which 
is less then 700 KB.
 I don't know what to do. 
Please help!!!!

Liran Zvibel.

P.S I would like to partition my HDD before the installation begins, 
is there a M$-DOS version of cfdisk? How can I get it?

      O   O
Liran Zvibel                           
e-mail:zvibel@ibm.net, zvibell@shani.net, liranz@zoot.tau.ac.il 
 .oooO   Oooo.    Please Don't send me any mail to the shani.net server.           
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