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Re: xdm&fvwm

On Sat, 22 Nov 1997, Greg Green wrote:
> When I used Red Hat Linux, all I had to do to get Xwindows to start at
> login was to edit the /etc/inittab to go default to run level 4.  Now, I
> am running Debian 1.30 and do not even see a reference to xdm in the
> /etc/inittab.  I am obviously missing some key point, can anyone help?

It's even easier. All you need to do is add the line:
to /etc/X11/config

See /usr/doc/X11/debian.README for a description of this.

> Also, when I startx manually, the system will not use my .fvwmrc.  I get
> too many errors to list here, but all I did was copy the
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm to my $HOME/.fvwmrc and tried to add
> an additional xterm at start-up, and change to setroot color to solid
> SteelBlue.

Hmm, I don't have fvwm installed, but probably what happens (I'm guessing)
is that system.fvwmrc is loaded, then since you copied it to your home
directory it's loaded again, and that causes some errors. Check the man
page to see if fvwm does this. In any case it's likely that system.fvwmrc
isn't designed to go in a home directory. 

You want to have your .fvwmrc modify the defaults set in system.fvwmrc,
rather than start over again from the bottom. If you email me the
system.fvwmrc I might can tell you what's wrong better. Though I'm sure
someone else will jump in who already knows. :)

 Havoc Pennington

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