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I am new to Debian Linux and I am having problems with xdm and fvwm.
When I used Red Hat Linux, all I had to do to get Xwindows to start at
login was to edit the /etc/inittab to go default to run level 4.  Now, I
am running Debian 1.30 and do not even see a reference to xdm in the
/etc/inittab.  I am obviously missing some key point, can anyone help?
Also, when I startx manually, the system will not use my .fvwmrc.  I get
too many errors to list here, but all I did was copy the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm to my $HOME/.fvwmrc and tried to add
an additional xterm at start-up, and change to setroot color to solid
I don't believe these changes made any impact because when I keep the
defaults in my .fvwmrc, and try and refresh fvwm, I get the same errors.

Has anyone had similar problems?  Please let me know if you have.


Greg Green

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