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SOLVED: unable to complete upgrade to libc6 development

Hi, all:

Earlier this month I recounted my sad tale of woe, when I tried to 
upgrade my development environment from libc5 to libc6.  To make a long
story short, I found that gcc, g++, and g77 all failed to work.

After my complaint I received many helpful suggestions, but none of
them solved the problem.  Today I got smarter (?) and ran gcc under
strace to see what was going on.  This prompted me to take a look at
the libraries in /lib, and I discovered that 
          libc.so -> libc.so.5
and       libm.so -> libm.so.5  (!)

All I had to do was remove these incorrect links and remake them to
point to libc.so.6 and libm.so.6 respectively;  now everything seems
to be working fine.  

I hope this experience can be of some help to those people struggling
with the same conversion.

		- Sherm

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