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Re: TkSTEP...anyone done it?

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:

> Now that my system is up and running stable, I thought I'd mess around
> with it :)
> I'm interested in installing TkSTEP. I've got Tk4.1 and Tk4.2 installed
> using the standard debian packages. I was wondering if anyone out there
> in debian-land has installed TkSTEP. And if so, what steps are involved?
> There doesn't seem to be a TkSTEP package, so I'm assuming I gotta do
> this by hand. 
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Yes, I'm running it at home on a Linux system and was running it at work
on my Sun.  Although its been a while and I don't remember the
installation process intimately, I don't think I had any problems at all. 
Just download the gzip'd tar file, uncompress/untar, and follow the
installation instructions.  If anything it seems that these days its
easier to build things on a Linux system than on a Sun!  Don't worry about
things if you have some trouble.  This is one of those applications that
won't mess up anything else on you system if you build/install it and have
problems.  TkStep just won't work, but nothing else should be affected. 
But, as I said, it should build just fine 'out of the box' so to speak.

I'm using fvwm2 as my window manager so I believe I start TkStep from the
initialization clause in the .fvwm2rc file.

Steve Witt                                              (714) 730-3245
PairGain Technologies, Inc.

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