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Re: PAP & PPP, take 3

> > Is there a way to get it to keep the whole log, rather than the last 20
> > or so entries?  I haven't found it yet.

> To see N last lines do: tail -N /var/log/messages

ok, i thought that these were being put somewhereelse forsomereason.NN

> Well, just as I thought, ppp is not started on the other end.
> I suggest you to call this number in minicom, see the login: or
> something similar prompt, respond to them. You would see then
> some othe kind of prompt, like "BLA-BLA>>" or some garbage on the
> screen. If you see the prompt and not garbage, type ppp<enter>
> or something else until you finally see garbage which would mean that
> ppp is started there. Remember what you had to do to start it and
> put everything in /etc.chatscript.

this is where the problem is.  PPP is the only way to connect to the
ISP, and they only use Internet Explorer.  THey know nothing about how
to work this.

On dialin, I get:

CONNECT <somespeed>/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS


However, nothing I try works.  Any entry at this line triggers a logoff

WHatever it is that the dialup program that comes with Internet
Explorerer sends  works fine out of the box.  But I can't figure out
what it sends.

I've tried hooking up my old tandy 102 to a serial port to play modem,
but I'm not having nmuch luck.  It  starts with ATE1V111, to which I try
to reply "OK", but this only worked one time out of 20 or 230, and i
can't figure out what i did differently.  That One time, it gave me an
ATDT<number>, to whihc i tried to reply "CONNECT"

So what exactly should i be typing to mimic a modem.  Is "OK"followed by
CR, LF, or a combination?


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