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Re: mounting

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997 DebianUser@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 97-11-15 01:46:49 EST, you write:

> Beyond the basics of mounting,fstab, and other items of mass destruction I
> was wondering in general what is a good way to partition the system.  Ive got
> three HD on the system
> hda1 - Around 2 gigs currently mounted to everything
> hda2 - 64 Megs of swap 
> hdb1 - 550 Megs (win95/dos)
> hdc1 - 128 megs nothing right now
> I'm thinking of redoing it so that
> hda1 - /
> hda2 - /root ???? (dunno)
> hdb1 - /dos (the HD has been reporting lots of errors lately thinking of
> trashing it)
> hdc1 - 32 Megs Swap Space
> hdc2 - 32 Megs /var
> hdc3 - 64 Megs /temp 

 If hdc is a 128MB drive, then it's probably older, and therefore 
probably slower. In general, it's not a good idea to put swap space on a 
slow drive. Stick it on the fastest drive available. For things like user 
accounts, a slow drive is fine. My fstab looks something like:

# <file system>     <mount point>   <type>  <options>   <dump>  <pass>
/dev/hda1               /dos/c      msdos    user,noauto,rw 0       2
/dev/hda2               /           ext2     defaults    0       1
/dev/hda3               /usr        ext2     defaults    0       2
/dev/hda4               none        swap     sw          0       0

/dev/hdb1               /dos/d      msdos    user,noauto,rw 0       2
/dev/hdb2               /home       ext2     defaults    0       2

/dev/hdc                /cdrom      iso9660  ro,user,noauto 0       0
/dev/sda1               /syquest    ext2     user,noauto,rw 0       2

 hda is a 1-gig drive with four partitions. 250MB for dos/win3.11, 250MB 
for /, 500MB for /usr, and 32MB as swap.

 hdb is a 400MB drive, with 200MB for dos and 200MB for user accounts.

 hdc is my cdrom, and sda is my SyQuest EZFlyer. (I really like that 
SyQuest. With the SCSI model, it's about as fast as my IDE drives.)

 Here's my current usage:

/dev/hda2             247871   40279   194791     17%   /
/dev/hda3             496691  371222    99816     79%   /usr
/dev/hdb2             199079  107780    81018     57%   /home
/dev/hda1             255732  164192    91540     64%   /dos/c
/dev/hdb1             210416   89728   120688     43%   /dos/d
/dev/sda1             211067    9776   190028      5%   /syquest

 As you can see, I really blew it allocating so much space for /. I could 
shave 150MB off of that puppy and still have room for 60MB of temp files 
in /tmp. Ah, well, the benefit of hindsight. I'm not quite ready to scrap 
everything yet, and I'm not crunched for space since adding the SyQyest, 
so why bother?

 If I were installing this stuff from scratch, I'd put a small partition 
for dos/win (maybe 150MB) in front. Then a 100-150MB / partition, *then* 
a swap partition, and finally a big ol' /usr partition. (Putting the swap 
partition in the middle means that hopefully it'll be able to seek to the 
swap area faster.)

 The other drive I'd probably leave alone, except maybe making the dos 
partition smaller. Heck, I hardly ever boot that thing anymore. I just 
keep it around for games.

 When planning this stuff out, try to set things up so you don't go above 
66% usage on any partition. After that point, it gets a bit harder to 
keep things unfragmented, or so I'm told. I don't think it makes that 
much of a difference, anyway.


 Ray Ingles          (248) 377-7735         ray.ingles@fanucrobotics.com

 "The meek can *have* the Earth. The rest of us are going to the stars!"
                       - Robert A. Heinlein

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