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In a message dated 97-11-15 01:46:49 EST, you write:

<< I am not sure if my last message has made it to the list (I've gotten
 an error message from smtp at aol(?) that debian-user doesn't accept
 the mail w. attachments... >>

That might have been comming from me. DebianUser@aol.com. I've since changed
the setup so that it supports attatchments. (This account is only used by me
at work. And AOL doesn't like its employees getting files from non-emplyees.
Is one any safer than the other....)

Beyond the basics of mounting,fstab, and other items of mass destruction I
was wondering in general what is a good way to partition the system.  Ive got
three HD on the system

hda1 - Around 2 gigs currently mounted to everything
hda2 - 64 Megs of swap 
hdb1 - 550 Megs (win95/dos)
hdc1 - 128 megs nothing right now

I'm thinking of redoing it so that

hda1 - /
hda2 - /root ???? (dunno)
hdb1 - /dos (the HD has been reporting lots of errors lately thinking of
trashing it)
hdc1 - 32 Megs Swap Space
hdc2 - 32 Megs /var
hdc3 - 64 Megs /temp 

Any suggestions? I do do (heh?) alot of programming work on the machine
should this suffice? For all the blood left on the machine after getting
XWindows/Smail/Networking/and all the other fun stuff working there is a
sense of satisfaction. But since I've got everything mounted on one partition
(Which apparently is a no-no..) I figured I'd let the blood letting begin

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