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Pentium error

There was a message in my newspaper this morning
(Tages-Anzeiger,17.Nov.97, Switzerland, www.tages-anzeiger.ch)
Which said the following (translated, my english isn't perfect)
New Pentium bug

Intel has confirmed the Bug in their Pentium chips which was discovered
recently, with which a PC can crash upon the machine code "F00FC7C8". This
should apply only to Pentium machines which are running under a multi user
system (like Unix). There are already sold defender programs against this
so-called "F0"-Bug, which search programs like virus scanners for the
fatal code.
This sounds like a "don't use linux" statement from intel. They don't even
mention Windows NT, which is a multi user platform, too. And why the hell
has this something to do with multi user systems? Is the mentioned code in
use with debian linux?

Original Text: (german)

Neuer Pentium-Fehler
Intel hat den kürzlich bekanntgewordenen Fehler in ihren Pentium-Chips
bestätigt, mit dem PC durch den Maschinenbefehl "F00FC7C8" zum Absturz
gebracht werden können. Betroffen sollen allerdings nur Pentium-Rechner
sein, die als Mehrbenutzersystem (z.B. Unix) eingesetzt werden. Bereits
werden Gegenprogramme gegen diesen sogenannten "F0"-Bug angeboten, die wie
Virensucher die Programme nach dem fatalen Befehl absuchen.

Lukas Eppler (godot)

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