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Re: News server software

Ah! Well, with a few thousand customers ... hmmm, separate your news into
feeder and reader machines. Run INN on the feeder(s) which handle your remote
newsfeeds and leafnode feeds to the reader machines. cnews + nntpd + msgidd is
still PLENTY fast enough for the reader machines. As a matter of fact, you will
likely experiance less trouble that way. The reader machines would have only
one feed ... to the main feeder machine. 

I think that you would find that you can support more readers per machine with
cnews+nntpd than you can with INN.  There is one other additional benefit that
can make you more money: On the reader machines, create user entries in passwd
without a login shell but with a username/password pair DIFFERENT than their
system login. Use NIS to distribute this between the reader machines. Compile
nnptd with authorization support and users can connect to your news machines
from outside your network (from work or while on the road) and they have a
separate news login/password that you can use to authenticate them. Now you can
sell news accounts to people who may not be your dialup customers.  Handy if
your news is better than competitors in your area, you can charge THEIR
customers $10 a month to read YOUR news and they pay for the dialup access

On 15-Nov-97 Shaleh wrote:
> As an ISP with a few thousand customers, I guess that qualifies me as
> bigger than cnews.  I have just been informed that my news server is not
> beefy enough at only 96mb of RAM and an 8 gig hard drive.  Oh well.
> --
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