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Re: re-thinking partitions

Daniel Mashao <daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za> writes:
> why not put /var and /tmp in the same root partition?

When you run out of space on your root partition while compiling, it's a
real pain.  I've had it happen.  I've never run out of space on /var, or on
/ if I don't have /tmp on it.  So, I have /tmp soft linked to the partition
with the most free space on my system.  (This is a peculiarity of my
environment, I know, but I still think that 16M is a tad small for /tmp,
which is what I was originally responding to.)

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| dmartin@ececs.uc.edu    |     http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~dmartin       |

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