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Re: xdm problems...

Paul Miller <paul@3dillusion.3dillusion.com> writes:
> AUDIT: Thu Nov 13 23:27:51 1997: 975 X: client 3 rejected from local host
>   Auth name: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 ID: -1

This sort of message generally means that someone not authorized to
connect to your X server tried to connect anyway.  Since the host was
the local host, it probably means that a user not the one who started
the X session tried to run an X client on the display.  This can
happen if root tried to run a client on another user's display, or
vice versa.

You can turn off this security by typing `xhost +localhost' at an
xterm prompt; thenceforth during that X session any user on the local
computer will be able to run clients.

BTW, why don't you add a Reply-To: header?  There is no host
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>

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