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Re: Errors in compiling a source package

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Daniel Martin wrote:

> I'm trying to compile xemacs20_2.2-4 for my bo (read: libc5) system.  I
> modified the portion of the debian/rules file that called the configure
> script so that it configured things the way I wanted them, and the make
> seems to go fine (well, actually there are quite a few "warnings" on
> compile, but nothing that looks too bad) until it gets to the
> dpkg-shlibdeps bit; at that point I get loads of errors of the form: 
> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unknown output from ldd on 
> `debian/tmp/xemacs20/usr/bin/b2m.xemacs20': 
> `       libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x4000a000)'
> Package versions, etc:
> dpkg  
> dpkg-dev
> ldso            1.9.6-2
> gcc   

Ok, so apparently the problem is that I upgraded my ldso to the ldso in
hamm (I was intending to turn my machine into a libc6 system, but
decided against it after realizing how many packages I'd have to deinstall
- getting the hamm versions of all of these isn't really an option with a
mere dialup connection)  Since the only dpkg and dpkg-dev that can handle
this ldd's output depend on libc6, I'm in a bit of a fix.

Now there's a rather strong warning against downgrading ldso to version
1.8.x, which is the option I'm looking at here, since I can't install
libc6 without gutting my system, making it near impossible to do what I
wanted to do in the first place, that is to compile a source package.  Why
is this warning there?  Is there anything I can do manually to downgrade
my machine's ldso?


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