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Re: Multiple instances

Yep, I relent.  I got a bit too enthusiastic with that response.
However, as far as I know there is currently no way short
of using different sockets for different registered services
to use two or more different web servers.  One probably
could write a daemon for inetd to select the "appropriate"
server based upoon some other criteria such as domain of the
incomming request but as far as I know nothing like that 
exists now.

I don't quite agree with your statement that a web server
is like an editor but that could very was be more my own
ignorance than a fact based opinion.  With the exception of
using a different socket the situation with web servers
looks a lot more like MTAs than editor to me.


>   Oh, come on. Only one of them can use the port 80, but
>    you can have as many web servers as you like. Think
>    about SSL - apache and apacheSSL are different servers.
>    It's more like having two editors installed - only
>    one can be the default ($EDITOR), but the others can
>    be used too.
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