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fat32 in installation vfat module?

I hope it's not inappropriate to cross-post this.  I thought it somewhat
relevant to both groups.

I'm interested in submitting a 'Beginner's Debian Installation Guide' of
some sort.  I have about 80% of the framework of one completed, but am
concerned about the lack of fat32 support.  As is stands, if someone has a
new computer formatted in fat32, they would have to format a fat16
partition to download the packages into.  the vfat module in the
installation process won't allow a fat32 partition to be mounted and the
base-install doesn't have full ppp support for dialup.

I'm afraid I'm no programmer, I'm a user trying to learn as much as I can
and help out, if possible.  I don't know how difficult it would be to make
the installation vfat module fat32 compliant.  I would, however, like to
submit a document for review.

Should I submit one based on the current situation, or could the module be
'patched'?  I would be very appreciative to hear any opinion on this, and
how such a document might be received.

TIA for your consideration :)

Matt Thompson       mattyt@oz.net
MZI, Inc.           v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Way    f-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   matt.thompson@mzi.com

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