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Re: how stable is the libc6 version

nir wrote:
:I need to use threads/libc6 and the newest gcc version.
:my question is how stable is the current non stable version?

Let's put it this way - it doesn't seem to perform worse than libc5
and the pthreads package. At least for me, neither works the way it
should, but that's probably due to the inherently flawed assumption
that a Linux programming environment should offer the same level of
thread safety as WIN32 :-( The fact that it's nigh impossible to 
debug a multithreaded program under Linux doesn't help either.

Any suggestion who might explain what's up with getting ERESTARTNOHAND
from select()? Or what the numerous additional parameters to the _r
functions actually mean? *sob*

Thomas Baetzler, thb@regioservice.de, bath0011@fh-karlsruhe.de
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