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Re: unable to start PCMCIA service

holger.brandhorst@mata.fzk.de (Holger Brandhorst) writes:

> I've tried it - but the the only change I've seen is the addition of a
> "cryptical" alphanumeric part to the error-messages:
> so I've got:
> pcmcia_core.o unresolved symbol apm_register_callback_R4e72ac41
> pcmcia_core.o unresolved symbol apm_unregister_callback_Rb7166c6e
> i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_present_Ra67d0654
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^ - and so on
> maybe anyone had this before - or even can tell me which
> kernel-configuration-option or whatever is missing in my system

I don't understand why you are getting these error messages.  It does
not matter how you configure your kernel.  When you recompile the
PCMCIA modules, the configure script in the pcmcia-cs source
automatically searches the kernel source for your configuration
options and compiles the modules to be compatible with this

It appears from your error messages that the kernel was compiled with
the PCI and APM options off while the PCMCIA modules were compiled
with these options on.  If the pcmcia modules were compiled
immediately after the kernel image, then I don't know why they were
not both built with the same configuration.


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