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Re: Linux, FAT32 and a mighty odd MBR.

Dale Harrison <dth@cns.aust.com> writes:
> So, I guess I'm throwing this out to you guys, is this a Windows problem?
> A Debian problem? A LILO problem? A FAT32 problem? 

I can't point out a solution but I can tell you that it's probably not
related specifically to Debian or to Linux, as I have had similar
problems happen on a Windows-only machine.  Every time it booted, even
if there were no diskettes in the floppy drives, it would give the
message that one sees when attempting to boot to a diskette lacking an
OS; i.e., something like "Non-system disk, replace and strike any
key".  The guy eventually had to fdisk & reformat as I lacked a decent
set of disk repair tools.
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>
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