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Linux, FAT32 and a mighty odd MBR.


I had a weird problem last night, installing Debian 1.3* on a friends PC.
For what it's worth, it's a PentiumII/266, some hideous amount of memory,
some hideous amount of HD space.

Aside from the SuperMicro motherboard bug [Which has been reported, I'm
fairly sure..], you know, the one where the bootable cd sits there at the
LDLINUX.SYS line.., everything went fairly smoothly.

Until it came to LILO. Installed LILO, booted Linux fine. Added the lines
to boot Win95, it took 2 goes for it to install the new record [it never
complained the first time about failing]. Problem is, it simply doesn't
boot Win95. It says "booting Win95", then returns to the LILO prompt.

Ok, a bit of a hassle. He needs his Win95 stuff more than Linux, so I'll
just remove LILO and figure out something else later. lilo -u, lilo -U
both complain that theres no LILO boot signature on /dev/hda. Hence
nothing is removed.

Hmmm. Boot via Win95 rescue disk and fdisk /mbr. Reboot and LILO's STILL
there. Tried this more times than I can recall.. LILO won't die. System
Commander reported some wacky things about the MBR, saying things were
pretty well screwed with it. 

The problem remains, I can't seem to overwrite the MBR, not with LILO, not
with fdisk. I found out that the Windows partition was FAT32, but surely
LILO can handle this? [does it make much of a difference with the MBR?]

So, I guess I'm throwing this out to you guys, is this a Windows problem?
A Debian problem? A LILO problem? A FAT32 problem? 

Any suggestions for fixing?


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