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unable to start PCMCIA service


when starting the "/etc/init.d/pcmcia start" command the following
errormessages appeared:

startin PCMCIA services:modules
/<modulepath>/pcmcia_core.o unresolved symbol apm_register_callback
/<modulepath>/pcmcia_core.o unresolved symbol apm_unregister_callback
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_present
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_write_config_word
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_read_config_dword
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol unregister_ss_entry
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_write_config_dword
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol register_ss_entry
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol CardServices
/<modulepath>/i82365.o unresolved symbol pcibios_find_device

who can tell me what i made wrong;

i've installed the kernel-sources(2.0.30) & package plus the
pcmcia-sources - package 
i've recompiled the kernel with pcibios- and apm-support
i've tried it either with or without module-version control
i've configured the pcmcia-modules-package answering either yes or no to
the questions about pcibios and apm  - and recompiled it

of course - i've installed the built packages everytime after comilation

but nothing ever changed

what's missing in my kernel
what should i do

can anybody tell me?

have a nice day!
bye - hb!

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