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Re: Upgraded to libc6; Broke my system

"Howard S. Ostrowsky" <shermo@sb.grci.com> writes:

> But I recklessly went on to install
> perl-suid_5.004.02-1.deb and perl-debug_5.004.02-1.deb.  OOPS.

Neither of these packages installs anything you use normally.  I can't
see why they would make any difference.

> Now, most important programs fail to start.  I get the message:
>   "error loading shared libraries
>    /usr/lib/libgnumalloc.so.5: undefined symbol:
> __default_morecore_init"
> This happens with (for example) startx, perl, and (worst of all) dpkg.
> Since dpkg is broke, I can't try to uninstall things.

libgnumalloc is a libc5 library, so it shouldn't be getting used if
you've installed libc6 versions of perl and dpkg.  What does
"ldd /usr/bin/dpkg" say?  Are you using LD_PRELOAD in your
environment so badly written programs don't crash as often?  Can you
use "strace dpkg -h" and see what happens just before it crashes?

Maybe something didn't install some libraries quite right, so try
"ldconfig" as root.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

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