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Re: net-acct problem

Rolf Obrecht wrote:
:I use the package net-acct on one of our debian-machines. 
:Works ok if it runs, but nacctd sometimes dies, and I get the following
:messages in kern.log:

I don't know anything about net-acct apart from the fact that it's been
running fine for close to two months on one of my local boxes. Could it
be that you're having a general hardware problem, or that net-acct is
dying in an overload situation? Maybe you could provide more info on the
hardware configuration you're running (i.e. memory, CPU, network adapters).

:No clue what this means. Is there anybody out on the list who is willing
:to explain these messages??

Like I said, i don't know the first thing about this, but both times, the
problem seems to be in or around the packet_recvmsg call which is used to
"pull a packet from our receive queue and hand it to the user" according
to the kernel sources (net/ipv4/packet.c to be precise). The error you're
getting is a NULL pointer dereference, i.e. the routine is trying to work
on data that isn't there - either because it wasn't there in the first
place, or because it's no longer there. I would suspect that possible
causes could be
- a buggy network adapter driver;
- low memory situations where a buffer doesn't get allocated;
- race conditions due to CPU overload where the buffer gets purged due to
  a queue overflow.

Of course there's also the chance that you're looking at a general hardware
problem like an overclocked/faked CPU, or a defective cache. Those can be
detected fairly well by running several kernel compiles in sequence - gcc
is rather good at detecting hardware problems .-)

Thomas Baetzler, thb@regioservice.de, bath0011@fh-karlsruhe.de
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