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IP Masquerade and X-Windows

Hello to everybody,

I know that the question I am asking most probably have "It is impossible"
as an answer. But still....

I have two computers connected to each other. Both run Linux and
X-Windows. One is configured to provide IP Masquerade and is connected to
the Internet. I can telnet, ftp, Netscape and etc. on the other machine.
It is fine. 

What I can not do (and what the question is about) is run an X-Windows
application off remote host on my second computer. I mean the following.
If I telnet from my second computer to, say, my university account and run
xclock off my university it opens window on my first computer, not second.
Is it possible to redirect it to the second one? 

I think I should probably reconfigure X-Windows on my first machine to be
able to do it. 

Does anyone have suggestions?

Thank you,


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