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X problems


I have tried to upgrade to the libc6 X. All was going alright apart from
some ldso warnigs when I upgraded xlib6, most of which went away when I
installed xlib6-altdev and installed xlib6g and xlib6g-dev. I upgraded 
all the other stuff and all seemed fine. Then I tried running X -query
localhost as I usually do. I got the xdm prompt and logged in, then 
I started getting some of the fvwm2 stuff I have but then X stopped 
and I got back to the xdm prompt. I saw no other way but to downgrade to
3.3.4 Anybody has any idea as to what happened ? 

Additionally, I now get an xdm window whenever I boot up despite having
the no-xdm-start-server in /etc/X11/config.

As it has been a long time since I played around with X I don't remember
what to do.
                        Any help would be appreciated


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS    E-Mail: GK205@cus.cam.ac.uk
U.K.                  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html

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