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HELP: Using sgvalib and ARK 2000 chipset

I am having a really hard time getting SVGALib working with my Stingray
64/V. I have the svgalib package in stable installed. I believe the
Stingray uses the ARK 2000PV chipset

XFree86 works fine. However, whenever I try a SVGAlib program, it either
causes my monitor to 'sleep' or gives me a seg fault. I have copied my
clocks from the XF86Config file. It just isn't terribly clear how I need to
setup up different modes. Do I need a 'define' line for every mode I want
to support? 

An example of a program that doesn't work: snes 9x (SNES emulator).. it
either puts my monitor to sleep, or gives a seg fault. 

I am going to try a few other SVGAlib programs and I will let you all know
the results. I am fairly familiar with monitor timing stuff, so if someone
could provide a working SVGAlib config for ARK 2000PV I could probably
adapt it to my setup.

Chris R. Martin              Email: crmartin@tamu.edu
Computer Engineering (EE)    WWW: http://http.tamu.edu/~crm7479/
Texas A&M University         "If you must have delusions, at least have the
			      good ones..." - Marcus, B5.

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