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Kernel Panic !!!!!


My Linux box had problems shutting down when I Ctrl-Alt-Del, so I can boot
up in Windows, and now Linux would not boot up.  When I boot up, after the
message - Running /etc/init.d/boot - I get the error message

	hda: read_intr: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest
	hda: read-intr: error 0x49 {UncorrectableError}, LBAsect=1897876,
		sector 180244
	end_request: I/O dev 03:02 sector 180244
	Kernel panic: EXT2-fs panic (device 03:02): ext2_read_inode:
		unable to read i-node block - inode=21868, block=91022

Before all of this I was in root setting up my ppp connection to my
school.  I don't think that writing my chat scripts could cause this
problems.  I tried booting from a boot floopy hoping that I could use
fsck, but I still got error message above when I got to Running /etc/init.d/boot.
Is this as serious as it looks?  Do I have to reformat hda (root dir) all
over again and re-install the kernel?  I'd really appreciate all the help
with this.

Thanks for Everything

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