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Anyone getting jdk1.1 working?

Yesterday I downloaded the jdk1.1 packages to a hamm machine. I also
recompiled my kernel for java binary support. Then I went to run some of
the demo programs using appletviewer and java spins into some sort of
endless loop. I can watch it on top eat up all the spare CPU cycles and
just grow in memory usage. I let it run for 15 minutes before finally
killing it.

I'm sure I'm missing something in setting things up, but the settings I
can see in the various README files I've checked. But still nothing.

The AtticKeeper: Rev. David Morris
mailto: bweaver@netins.net
Leap and the net will appear -- unknown
Nerdnosh Attic: http://www.netins.net/showcase/nerdnosh
Lectionary Page: http://www.netins.net/showcase/dmorris/

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