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Re: A quickie on telnet

   I am the author of "pass", which may well suit your needs.  This
software will be uploaded to sunsite a few weeks later; by then, the 
quatity of of documentation should improve beyond the draft stage.  Right 
now, I am willing to email you a copy in .tgz  format, or, if you 
prefer, a week later, in an un-official .deb package.

Title:         pass
Version:       0.1
Entered-date:  13 October, 1997
Description:   pass(1) mimics the behavior of rsh . All commands
               are executed through telnetd at target hosts that run on
               unix; thus, no special servers are needed at the remote
               Standard input to pass is piped to the remote program and
               the exit status, stdout, and stderr match those of
               the remotely executed program. Because the login procedure is
               transparent to the user, pass(1) is ideal for scripts
               that need to excecute commands on remote machines.
Keywords:      telnet, pipes, scripts, remote, commands
Author:        ioannis@flinet.com (Ioannis Tambouras)
Maintained-by: ioannis@flinet.com (Ioannis Tambouras)
Primary-site:  sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/system/network/misc
                       997  pass.lsm
                       22 M pass-0.1.tgz
Alternate-site: None
Original-site:  None
Platforms:      g++ (or equivalent) for code compilation.
Copying-policy: GPL

Ioannis Tambouras 
ioannis@flinet.com, West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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