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Re: man-db ocassionally needs to be re-installed.

Andy Spiegl wrote:
> This is a little off-topic, but related to man-pages, too.
> My problem is that - when running "man -a" as I always do - I often
> get to see man pages multiple times.

Yes, and if you skip one choosing Ctrl-D its entry disappear from the
next run (and from the whatis database).
All are known problems, fixed in the latests versions.
I've built "bo" (aka "for Debian 1.3) version numbered 42-51, while the
"hamm" are numbered >52 .
Latest ( -44 ) went installed just yesterday into:

You can have the .deb binary also from 

FYI, here is a list of recent changes (post -38 in 1.3.1), from the
changelog file (in reverse order, recent on top):
  * avoided bashism in debian/rules.
  * deleted bogus files with spaces embedded in name (#13888)
  * applied patch for alpha by <chris@beezer.med.miami.edu> #13851
  * zsoelim.l - added new start condition to avoid expansion of .so
     requests inside a macro definition. (fixes #2969 and #13812)
  * added quote around var in mkcatdirs (fixes #13738, tx M.Konarski)
  * added removal of tempfiles from handler for SIGINT
     (fixes bug#13352 Thanks to John Goerzen)
  * changed way to call groff adding -P-g so grops can guess a page size
     (fixes #13563 uncorrectly assigned to groff, thx John Kallal)
  * solved deletion of entries in index when skipping their display
  * wiped wrong message displayed when skipping display of manpage.
  * avoided redundant searches for section names longer than one char.
  * Added removal of tempfiles via atexit().
  * restored original order in search sections (3 before 2) changed by
     previous maintainer (don't know why) (#12192 thx Juan Cespedes)
  * redirecting unusefull error messages in postrm and preinst (#12224)
  * doesn't provide gencat anymore, but can't use libc6's gencat.
  * Changed tests in postinst to work with ash (#12212 thx Herbert Xu)
  * Changed define of debian version for use in non-debian systems
     (thanx to Albert Chin-A-Young); added file include/version.h
  * (Italian version) Minori correzioni a mandb.m da parte di Borto.
  * several corrections to it's => its typos in manpages [man(1),
     zsoelim(1), mandb(8)] Fixes Bug#11440 thanx to David Damerell.
  * Restore correct NAMN swedish parse for whatis (bug introduced by me
     fixing #6497 on version -34) Thanx to John F. Bunch. (fixes #12069)
  * Fixed segfault using an empty arg to -S option (Bug#12074, Thx
     Herbert Thielen)
  * Fixed wrong manpath behaviour (Bug#10377, Thanx to Michael Lachmann)
  * reduced output in postinst (Bug#11902).
  * included execution of chmanconfig (which adds MANDB_MAP lines for
     lang manpages) inside mkcatdirs (which creates catdir hierarchies).
  * added debian version info to option -V
  * corrected a couple of italian messages that didn't work (Grazie 
  * added nlsutils in Replaces: field of control file (fixes Bug#9943)
  * Ugly typo in debian/rules that made .dwww-index disappear from last
     version (-38): my fault! (sigh) (autoBug#10130)
  * dropped scan of current directory if explicitly present in PATH both
     as an empty entry or an explicit dot; this used to left index files
     here and there.  (fixes Bug#10039, thanks to Giuliano Procida)
  * allowed non "man" dirs if in manpath.config
     (now accepts manpages hierarchies like /usr/share/ucbman)
     fixes Bug#9947, thanks to Richard Kettlewell.

| fpolacco@icenet.fi    fpolacco@debian.org    fpolacco@pluto.linux.it
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