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This greets me whenever I try to power up xdvi. From memory it's supposed
to spit out the usage blerb. 

(dth@apathy)$ xdvi						/usr/X11R6/bin
Error: XsraSelFile: can't get font 9x15

When I first ran xdvi with an argument, MakeTeXPK spat out a whooooole
lotta stuff to do with fonts. Converting/updating them I guess. 

I can specify a file on the commandline and it displays it and all, but
clicking on the "File" widget produces the same error:

(dth@apathy)$ xdvi -s 10 /tmp/part6.dvi				/usr/X11R6/bin
Note:  overstrike characters may be incorrect.
xdvi.bin:  special "landscape" not implemented
xdvi.bin:  special "landscape" not implemented
Error: XsraSelFile: can't get font 9x15
(dth@apathy)$							/usr/X11R6/bin

Any ideas as to

- Which 9x15 font it's looking for?
- Where this aforementioned font should be?
- Why it isn't there
- How to rectify this situation without grabbing every 9x15 font this
  side of the equator?

I don't recall modifying anything that would break fonts (knowingly,
anyway) but I guess it's always a possibility.

ii  tetex-base      0.4pl6-5       teTeX library files
ii  tetex-bin       0.4pl6-8       teTeX binary files
ii  tetex-dev       0.4pl6-8       kpathsea.a and include files for teTeX
ii  tetex-extra     0.4pl6-4       teTeX library files

Thats all the tex stuff, as far as I can tell.

Any (and all) help muchly appreciated.


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