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Re: GIMP (fwd)

On 13-Oct-97 Matt Thompson wrote:
      Well, there were no .gimp directories to be found, only gimp directories
      (/usr/lib/gimp, /usr/doc/gimp).  I deleted the .gimprc files as mattyt
      as root and got this error both ways:
      gimp fatal error: ".gimprc" file not found

If you are running gimp 0.99.*(which you should BTW) then anytime gimp can't
find .gimp directory, it will create one. So, I'm thinking you are running 0.5*
or 0.6*. Here is where you can get the latest gimp that is in debian format:


      ...so i copied the included dot.gimprc file to my home directory (i
      gunzipped it first :) ) and got the old error:
      gimp fatal error: Unable to open included resource file.
      p.s. again, i never saw any .gimp dirs, only gimp dirs

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