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Re: Problems

On Oct 11, Julien Pham wrote
> First : my xterm has no color. Or, no, it has colors (when I do a ls
> --color in it, it works) but when I launch a text based appli (such as
> deselect for example)  in it, it in in B & W... Why ?

I think I have reported this as a bug against dselect?? Try using rxvt

> Second : I have printing pbs. When I use the lpr command, it prints on
> my printer but it prints some strange characters, something that seems
> to be page sets... (%%PageOrder : Ascend, ... /.notdef...)

That looks like postscript, try installing the "magicfilter" package.

> Third : I cannot have sound if I am not a super user or root, it will no
> open /dev/audio or /dev/dsp.

Add yourself to the audio group: 





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