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problem with leafnode and gnus

Hello all,

I'm having trouble setting up leafnode to read news. 

I installed leafnode w/o problems, followed the configuration
described in the README and README.debian files, as well as an article
in Linux Gazette #9. This article told me to log into my news server,
run 'fetch' as root, start a news reader, subscribe to interesting
groups, run fetch again. This should do it, according to the article.

However, after subscribing to c.o.l.misc and c.o.l.advocacy with gnus,
I run fetch. It takes a long time. I check /var/spool/news, and see
lots of directories for alt, gnu, soc, and uk. I don't want this. I
abort. When I try to find something in the groups to which I've
subscribed -- bubkis, nada, The Big Empty. Gnus cannot even open the
groups. Netscape returns a pane with "syntax error". 

Any ideas?

I've set gnus to fetch mail from 'localhost', as per orders. 

As far as I know, the news server I'm using is standard issue.

I can read the news sucked down with the command

find /var/spool/news/comp -name '[0-9]*' -exec cat {} \; | more

but I find this a little tiring...


Gustaf Erikson      59* 21' N  18* 05' E  

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