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perl_5.004.02-1 & libgdbmg1_1.7.3-21


When trying to install Perl 5.004 (which Apache 1.2.4 depends on) I ran
into the following problem.

Perl 5.004 pre-dependends on libgdbmg1 (note the last g), but
libgdbmg1_1.7.3-21 conflicts with ligdbm_1.7.3-19 (that came with my Debian
1.3.1 installation). And to uninstall libgdbm1 requires uninstallation of
many packages (and is not an option for me). But I really need to get the
latest Apache installed...

Over to the questions:

a) Whats the difference between libgdbmg1 and libgdbm1? And why can't they

b) Any hints on how to install perl_5.004 without uninstalling perl_5.003
(and all "dependent" software)?

Thanks /Martin

Martin Valldeby	+46 708 849 634		d92-mva@nada.kth.se

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