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Re: Gcc prints NAN for floats that are not NANs

On 9 Oct 1997, Douglas Bates wrote:

> Another thing to try is explicitly setting the floating point control
> word to the IEEE standard.  Some older versions of the C libraries set
> the floating point control word to a non-standard value.  That can
> affect the production and detection of NaN's.  Checking a recently
> installed Debian 1.3 system for the file /usr/include/i386/fpu_control.h 
> (included from /usr/include/fpu_control.h), it shows

Thanks. I tried your suggestion but I still keep getting the NANs. By the
way the NaNs are not affecting my results because I do not use floats. I
use integers for Hidden Markov Models (HMM) probabilities. I, however,
need to occasionaly print this integers by converting them to floats and
that is when they print as NANs. 

I have used electric-fence malloc to see if there is no accidental memory
access but I have found none. I think the next thing is to learn some
assembler code and see what is really taking place/

I want to thank all the Debianites for overwhelming comments and advices.
I have send similar messages to the gcc newsgroups (.help etc) without
receiving a single reply - but you guys have been fantastic. One more
reason to stay with Debian.

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