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Re: Nuisances with Ethernet network.

"Dr. Daniel Mashao" <daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za> writes:

> Oct  7 16:54:25 vitasat kernel: IPX: Network number collision 53
> Oct  7 16:54:25 vitasat kernel:         eth0 EtherII and eth0 802.2
> over and over. Now I cannot find out where it comes from and how to
> disable it and of course what it means. My connection seems to work fine.

It's coming from the IPX drivers in the kernel, in net/ipx/af_ipx.c's
ipxitf_rcv function.  I don't know anything about the underlying IPX
protocol.  However, I believe EtherII and 802.2 are different
protocols for encasulating the data across an Ethernet.  (Actually,
802.2 covers token ring, FDDI, etc. as well).

I get the impression from the code that you're getting different link
layer protocols on the same interface, which isn't a problem, but
they've got the same network number, which is.  You need someone who
knows IPX who's got a packet analyser, and isn't afraid to use it.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

kernel: Warning: possible SYN flooding. Sending cookies. 
kernel: validated probe(100007f, 100007f, 11557, 5010, -1645409555) 

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