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installing PCMCIA support

I am attempting to install PCMCIA support on a DELL Latitude LX
notebook. I have used floppies (Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 built August 01,
1997) to install the base system and want to get my CDROM working (SCSI
PCMCIA adapter) working (I have the CD set 1.3.1).

I appear to be hitting a version conflict between the pcmcia-cs and
pcmcia-modules packages. On the Debian CD I have pcmcia-cs version
2.9.5-3 and pcmcia-modules versions 2.9.5-2 (for kernel 2.0.29) and
2.9.5-3 (for kernel 2.0.30).  The kernel version is 2.0.29, so I have to
use pcmcia-modules-2.0.29, but it depends on pcmcia-cs version 2.9.5-2
(which I can't find).

I have checked http://www.debian.org/packages and
http://hyper.stanford.edu/HyperNews/get/pcmcia/home.html to find a
compatible set of card services, kernel modules and kernel to no avail.
This seems pretty fundamental, so I must be missing something.


Frank Gorishek
Advanced Development Lab
Advanced Micro Devices M/S 621
Austin, TX 78749
(512) 602 - 4117 voice
(512) 602 - 6582 fax

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