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Can't mount root device

Hello!  I have recently gotten a base system installed (Debian 1.3.1 from
2-cd set).  I am now trying to compile a custom kernel to get sound support
and IP Masquerading.  The kernel package I'm trying to compile is 2.0.30. 
I run Dos and OS/2 on machine as well, and I use the OS/2 boot manager. 
Linux and OS/2 are on my SECOND scsi drive, and I have followed the How-To
to allow the OS/2 boot manager to invoke LILO, which then loads my Linux
kernel.  All works fine with my base installation.

My problem is with the custom kernel.  I use make config, make dep, make
clean, then I compile, then I use make lilo_install (or something like
that, I'm not at my home machine right now).

When I try to reboot, I get a kernel panic, with a message that VFS can't
mount the boot device 8:16.  When make lilo-install completes, I get a
message about the boot device being 8:22.  I can't provide more detail (or
accuracy), as I'm at work and the machine in question is at home.  Any
constructive comments/suggestions are most welcome.  I will try to get more
detail from the machine tonight and repost, if necessary.

Thanks for any help.

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