RE: GCC setup problem
> Hi,
> My GCC setup doesn't appear to be correct on my Debian 1.3.1 and 1.2
> system. Initially after installing it, whenever I tried to run it, the
> message:
> GCC installation problem:
> cannot find cc1: no such file or directory
> cc1 (and cc1plus, and libgcc.a...) were in
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/, so I created links in /usr/lib to
> them.
Unfortunately, as you discovered later, this is a bogus workaround. It
deprives dpkg of information it needs.
You haven't given me enough information to figure out what's wrong. I
need to know the following:
* installed version of cpp and gcc packages
* output of "gcc --version"
* if you have gnats installed, which version
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