Re: X And Video
On Thu, 25 Sep 1997, Syd Alsobrook wrote:
> I am having an interesting problem now. I finally got my new machine
> to boot up and I reset my X configuration for my new video card. X
> works great but when I exit back to a stand tty the video is trashed
> (misc. characters, garbage, and general bad mood) reset does not work
> and all virtual tty are trashed. The video board is a STB Systems w/
> an advanced logic chipset alg2301 1024 ram. STB's website was rather
> useless mostly windows crap the only thing I saw that might be of
> interest was the need to have a memory exclusion, but I don't know
> how to do that under linux.
I have a 486 with an Avance card that uses this chip, and it had the same
problem. The garbage that you see is actually a translation, something
like abcdefgh -> bcdefg0h, so you can actually "read" it. The workaround
I used was to leave at least one VC logged in and type "setfont default8x16"
whenever I needed a VC, and the same when quitting X.
I never found any documentation for memory exclusion, but perhaps it's in
the X sources. I now use the machine as a laboratory winlose playground.
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
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