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Netscape BS & Del Problems

>From everything I've read in the HOWTO and in the mini-HOWTO and in
the Motif HOWTO and the Netscape FAQ section on this, everyone seems
to have trouble getting BackSpace to work properly with Netscape.

I have just the opposite problem:  Delete doesn't work.

When I run "xprop -root | fgrep BINDINGS" I get

I don't know much about the way motif binds its keys but that looks

Also, when I run xkeycap, I get the keysym for the delete key as
"Delete" and the keysym for the backspace key as "BackSpace".  That
seems right, and when I run nedit (which I believe is another motif
program) the backspace and delete keys work fine.

In /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB, I have (along with much else)
        osfBackSpace            :1004FF08
        osfDelete               :1004FFFF

I do not have a ~/.motifbind file.  To my knowledge, I do not have any
entries in ~/.Xresources which would modify the way Motif works.

I am not using the Debian Netscape 4 installation package, but I did
use the Netscape 3 installation package, and the text boxes had the
same problems.  I have taken a look at the preinst and postinst
scripts and don't see where they do anything to change the situation. 
I also look for some sort of wrapper but couldn't find one.

The <ctrl><h> and <ctrl><d> combination work fine to backspace and
delete, and its my personal favorite, but others use the machine.

The long and the short of it is that all the documents seem to focus
attention on getting the backspace and delete keys bound to the right
keysym, and then all the problems are supposed to disappear.  My
situation is, I think, that the bindings are right but the problem

Do people really have Netscape backspacing and deleting like a champ? 
If so, how can I train my copy to be a contender?

Paul Serice

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